
Top Food Guide For Everest Base Camp Trek

Mar 11 . 2025, Hop Nepal

Top Food guide for Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest Base Camp Trekking appears with a lifelong experience for maximum trek lovers. In fact, it counts as one of the most admired trekking in Nepal. Also, you can view the world’s highest peak intimately and take pleasure in looking at the absolute Himalayan peak assortment which is pretty incredible.

Everest Base Camp: Majestic Heights

As with any trekking destinations in Nepal or any other distant land, food comes up with the main role to appreciate the background of the area together with giving you power for the lengthy hikes all over the hilly and desolate landscape.

Luckily for the trek lovers travelling to the Everest Base Camp Trekking and its variant, food is simply easy to get to at the frequent guesthouses marked next to the ways and you can also get small hotel-like accommodation that serves tourist with a comfortable bed and delicious food for the night. Here, in my comprehensive article on food guide for Everest base camp trekking, I will be sharing with you everything you must be aware of.

Certainly, the distance of the Everest region and the cultural background of the Buddhist Sherpa specify that eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner is not the easy thing as you do at your resident. However, there are so many things to understand and work accordingly.

A Complete Food Guide For Everest Base Camp Trekking

Within the Everest region, you will get pleasure from the accommodation in the guest house. A Guesthouse specifies the combination of the guest house, restaurant, and social group. The spaces are well-occupied with twofold beds and some additional furniture.

Morning Feast at Everest Base


Blankets are generally provided. Most bathrooms are common and it can be also bent kind of the western version. Most of the Guesthouses include running water facilities. Most of them also aid with lukewarm water for bathing. On the other hand, you may have to give additional charge for hot water bathe.

What Type Of Food Is Provided In The Guest Houses?

As the Everest belongs to the distant region and most of the food should be carried from different villages, almost all the meals must be made of non-perishable ingredients that enclose cereals, rice and grains will make the closure of the bulk of the dishes.

Stunning view and food


The most general ingredient to go together with the close cereal is to make lentil soup also called Dal in Nepali. Along with steamed rice, it makes the most famous dish in Nepal. Adding up one of the well-liked dishes which are without a doubt at almost all the guest house is Rice and Dal also called Dal-bhat in Nepali.

What's For Breakfast at Everest Base Camp?

It is important that you have a hearty breakfast before you do anything, especially when you are going for an energy-draining task like trekking. It is very essential that you take it at least twenty five or thirty minutes before you set out on your odyssey. This way you will have enough stamina for the whole day's journey.

As to reach the destination on time, you are going to start early for the trek; also you will be required to walk six to seven hours a day such that you will take your breakfast around six or seven in the morning.

Some common items available in the breakfast menu around the Everest region include eggs, bread, and potatoes.

Given below is the list of items present in the breakfast you will find in the eateries around the trail of Everest Base Camp region:


You will get your necessary protein with the different recipes of egg available for breakfast. The varieties of eggs available are given as follows:

  • Vegetarian omelettes
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Poached eggs
  • Plain omelettes
  • Boiled eggs
  • Cheese omelettes

Bread Toasts

You are sure to find all different varieties of bread toasts at each and every tea house in the Everest Base Camp trail. Find out the different bread toasts available as follows:

  • Toasts with jam
  • Plain Toast
  • Toast with Honey
  • Toast with Cheese
  • Toasts with egg and cheese
  • French Toast and so on


The tea houses around the Everest Base Camp region serve pancakes with different flavours. You can also find Tibetan bread and chapatis, which are the local items of the people of the base camp region.

  • Regular pancake with honey or jam
  • Egg pancake
  • Chocolate pancake
  • Lemon/ apple/cinnamon pancake
  • Plain chapati
  • Chapati with butter/honey/eggs/beans


If you fancy porridge for breakfast, no worries because porridge is available on the breakfast menu. You will find varieties of porridges with different flavours. Find out below:

  • Oat Porridge
  • Apple Porridge
  • Rice Pudding
  • Cornflakes and milk
  • Tsampa Porridge
  • Cinnamon Porridge with raisins


You can find muesli and hot milk as an option for breakfast around the Everest Base Camp region.

All the above-mentioned breakfast items are provided to the trekkers coming to the Everest Base Camp considering their need for energy and the right nutrients they require for their energy-draining adventures.

What's For Lunch At Everest Base Camp?

If breakfast is the king of meals, lunch is the queen for sure. This is to say your lost energy can be replenished with a good lunch special for people scaling the Everest Base Camp region.

Normally the lunchtime falls around twelve to one in the afternoon. You can take lunch during your trek around the trekking trail.

The common, local lunch items include Rice, lentil soup, vegetables, and pickle. Meat items are also available with these.

We have listened down below the rice items available in Everest Base Camp region:

  • Vegetarian daal bhaat
  • Non-vegetarian daal bhaat
  • Veg fried rice
  • Egg fried rice
  • Mixed fried rice
  • Fried rice with cheese
  • Rice with chicken/ veg curry

Given below are the lunch items available at Everest Base camp along with daal bhaat:


There is a wide variety of noodles available for visitors around the Everest Base Camp region. From Thukpas to fried noodles you can taste different types of noodles.

The different varieties of Thukpa include:

  • Veg Thukpa
  • Chicken Thukpa
  • Egg Thukpa
  • Buff Thukpa
  • And Mixed Thukpa

The varieties of fried noodles are:

  • Veg fried noodles
  • Fried noodles with chicken
  • Fried noodles with buff
  • Mixed fried noodles

The eateries around Everest Base Camp serve dumpling which is locally called momo:


Momos are basically dumpling with vegetable or meat fillings inside the dough. This is a popular food in Nepal and is available steamed as well as fried.

Steamed/ Fried momo items

  • Veg momo
  • Chicken Momo
  • Cheese momo
  • Buff momo
  • Potato momo


Spaghetti is available around the Everest base camp region with different kinds of toppings. Find out toppings as follows:

  • Tomato sauce
  • Cheese and tomato sauce
  • Tuna, tomato sauce, and cheese
  • Vegetable and tomato sauce


The different pizza items available at Everest base camp include the following:

  • Veg Pizza
  • Mushroom Pizza
  • Mixed Pizza and so on

Pasta and Macaroni

If you love pasta and macaroni items, you will be happy to find the following pasta and macaroni items at the eateries around Everest Base camp region.

  • Plain macaroni
  • Macaroni with egg, cheese, and vegetables
  • Mixed macaroni
  • Vegetable/ cheese fried pasta


Sandwiches with the following variety of fillings are available at the Everest base Camp region:

  • Grilled Cheese Tomato
  • Grilled Tomato Egg
  • Grilled Tuna and Tomato

Given above are some of the varieties of lunch items available at Everest Base camp however they are not limited to this. The variety of food items may differ as per the eating place and the number of items available may be more at some places when compared to others.

What's For Dinner At Everest Base Camp?

After a long tiring day, you will need a hearty dinner for your body to replenish its energy and to have a sound sleep thereafter.

The dinner time is around seven to eight in the evening.

A good, filling dinner is all you need to relax and sleep in the chilly weather around the Everest Base camp region.

The dinner items are similar to that of the dinner. You are commonly offered Daal Bhaat or you can choose any other western items from the menu; the choice is yours.

What Can I Drink At Everest Base Camp Region?

The drinks available at Everest Base Camp are listed down below along with their benefits for you:


It is important that you keep your body hydrated while trekking in the Everest region; it is advisable that you carry a bottle of water while trekking to stay hydrated.

While you may not feel so thirsty due to the change in temperature and attitude there, you need to make sure that you do not get dehydrated. This is to say you may have health problems you do not drink enough water.

Mineral water is available at Everest Base Camp region and you can also drink from the natural springs. Tap water is also available but makes sure to use a purification tablet or disinfectant while drinking. Do not drink tap water without disinfecting it as it may pose serious health hazards.

For when you are at tea houses, you will be provided with boiled water which is clean and safe. And you can even buy mineral water at the tea houses at the Everest Base Camp region.

Hot Drinks

Both tea and coffee are served around the Everest region in the different tea houses. You are recommended to not consume caffeine at higher altitudes because of the possible threat of altitude sickness. Nonetheless, you can have it at the lower altitudes if you like.

You will find hot water with ginger in the Everest region which is good for your health as it helps with stomach problem; besides this hot water with lemon is also available.

Even if alcoholic drinks are available at tea houses, we recommend you do not consume these given the threats they pose to your health and safety when you are in the Everest Base Camp region.

What To Eat And What Not To Eat During Your Trekking Journey?

What Should I Eat While Trekking?

Before The Trek

It is important to take care of your food intake whether you are just preparing for your trek, are trekking or have just finished your trekking around the Everest Base camp region.

We are going to outline some tips for what to eat before trekking:

  • Have food with enough carbohydrates for you to have enough energy to trek; you can take food like porridge for energy replenishment.
  • Given that the trail of Everest Base camp is very steep and a difficult one, you should have a light and fulfilling breakfast which is healthy. Heavy food can leave you feeling tired and even nauseous.
  • Have a balanced diet which has appropriate amounts of carbohydrates, vitamins, and protein. You can get carbohydrate from grains and rice, protein from lentils or eggs, and vitamins from fresh fruits or vegetables.
  • It is advisable that you drink enough water. You need to stay hydrated to not feel fatigued or worn out.

After The Trek

  • After a day of extremely rigorous trekking, make sure to have some energy bars to revitalize your energy levels.
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated as much as you can.
  • For dinner, select food items that have high protein and carbohydrates.
  • Take warm soup and eater to avoid facing altitude sickness during the night time.

What Not To Eat While Trekking?

When you are in the Everest Base Camp region for trekking, there are certain food items you need to avoid eating at any cost especially when you are at higher altitudes like alcohol, junk food or meat.

We have provided the reasons for avoiding such items as follows:

  • Alcohol and Smoking

Alcohol can make your body dehydrated and create issues especially when you are trekking in the high altitude regions. This can even cause altitude sickness.

Consuming alcohol can be fatal to you so it is advised to not do it at any cost. Also, do not smoke while trekking given the breathing issues it can pose.

  • Meat

We advise you to not have any meat intake because of hygiene reasons. The meat that reaches to the Everest Region does not have refrigeration. The meat reaches to Lukla from Kathmandu through the flight and then it is carried to different hotels, lodges, and restaurants on mules' back.

Generally, the locals in order to preserve the meat, dry it by putting it in the sun or by smoking them in the kitchen. You are advised to not risk your health during the trek by consuming such meat.

  • Junk Food

Given that junk food is difficult to digest and can cause stomach problems like gastritis, we recommend you do not have food items like chips, canned food, pizzas, burgers and so on.

Important Food Tips For Everest Base Camp Trekking

  • Eat Healthy Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

As much as it is important to start your day with a healthy breakfast, it is equally important that you have a balanced lunch to keep up your energy levels and to have a balanced dinner. Have a light, filling breakfast, and lunch and dinner, rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins. Also, drink enough water to stay hydrated.

  • Drink Plenty of Water

Do not forget to carry a water bottle and to stay hydrated during your trekking journey.

Carry water bottles of at least two litres and keep on refilling them along your trail during the trek at tea houses.

Also, do not forget to make sure your water is purified and safe to drink.

  • Carry Energy Bars, Chocolates and Dry Fruits

For instant energy on your trek, you should carry energy bars, chocolates, and dry fruits as they are light, easy to carry and can also help you feel energetic


Good food is equivalent to a good mood and a good mood can make your trekking journey as better as it can get; so make sure what you eat during your Everest Base Camp trek.

As much as the kind of food you eat is important, the hygiene and nutrient level is equally important so you need to take care of these aspects as well. Another important thing is your own personal hygiene both before as well as after the meals. Make sure your hands are free from germs and contamination.

High altitude trekking is adventurous and dangerous in itself so you need to watch out what food you eat to make the whole experience and journey safe and blissful.

If you have any confusions or questions, contact us marketing@hopnepal.com for more details.

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