Major Tourist Attractions In Ramechhap, Nepal

Major Tourist Attractions In Ramechhap, Nepal

Mar 11 . 2025, Hop Nepal

The meaning of Ram (as a name for a person) and Chhap inspired the naming of the Ramechhap district (as a mark). The district is a popular tourist destination in eastern Nepal because of its abundance of stunning natural beauty. Ramechhap district is one that should be explored once in a lifetime due to the various naturally occurring scenery, including Paanchpokhari, Jatapokhari, and the Numburchuili peaks, among others.

The district is home to well-known religious and cultural landmarks, including Khau Gumba, Thodung Monastery, Kanadadevi, and its naturally beautiful surroundings. The Ramechhap district's two most visited sacred sites are Paanchpokhari and Jatapokhari.

Visitors can also carefully plan their journey to examine an adventurous location like the Numbur Cheese Circuit. With a well-planned itinerary, spending the weekend or holidays with friends, family, or relatives in Ramechhap will not disappoint you.

Geographically speaking, the Ramechhap district of Nepal encompasses a 1546 km2 total area. 202,646 people are living in the district as per the 2011 census. Ramechapp district residents often speak Nepali, Tamang, Sunuwar,Newari, and Haayu.

Tourist Attractions In Ramechhap, Nepal

We've enlisted a few of Ramechhap district's major tourist attractions. They are:

Jatapokhari and Paanchpokhari

As one of the district's top tourist attractions, the sacred ponds Jatapokhari and Paanchpokhari, located at the 4000m of Chuchure V.D.C. of Ramechhap, are a must-see for tourists and followers alike. The ponds, Jatapokhari and Panchpokhari, are located in the shadow of Mount Numburchuli and practice the same religion.

Image Cr: Land Nepal

Caption: Paanchpokhari

On the day of Janai Purnima, more than 3000 pilgrims typically visit these ponds in Ramechhap each year. You will arrive in Paanchpokhari after 1.5 hours of walking from Jatapokhari. The presence of Paanch Pokhari marks the Pandavas' arrival in Ramechhap.

Thulo Sailung

Thulo Sailung is a popular spot for capturing early Sunrise and late Sunset views. One of the adventurous treks to explore is the destination at an altitude of 3,300 m above sea level.

Numbur Cheese Circuit

Ramechhap district's most popular trekking destination is the Numbur Cheese Circuit. Those who enjoy an adventurous walk and want to get a closer look at nature can explore the Numbur Cheese Circuit.

Image Cr: Across Himalaya

Caption: Numbur Cheese Circuit

The starting point of the Numbur Cheese Circuit is Shivalaya, which is also the starting point of the Everest Base Camp. This weekend trek takes you through the scenic range of the Himalayas, including South Annapurna, Langtang, Gaurishankhar, and Numburchuili. The Numbur Cheese Circuit trek also passes through Nepal's first cheese factory and the famous Thodung Monastery.


The administrative centre of the Ramechhap district is Manthali, from where you can access all other parts of the district. People from the neighbourhood around Ramechhap used to travel to the Manthali market to purchase and gather some ingredients.

Image Cr: Nepal Travel Guide

Caption: Manthali

Most pupils would travel far from their homes in Ramechhap to Manthali to receive higher education. On your way back to Kathmandu, if you want to pick up a souvenir of your trip, you can do so from this location.


The Ramechhap district's historical site, Khandadevi, was constructed using old stone walls. The intriguing Hindu temple dedicated to the goddess Khanda Devi is known as Khandadevi.

This temple was constructed at Ramechhap in 1458 by a shepherd, and it is today a major tourist attraction. Animal sacrifices were made in order to please the goddess and for her to hear the prayers of the faithful.

Staying At Ramechhap

No hotels, lodges, or restaurants exist in the Ramechhap district's most popular tourist locations. Therefore, the well-known and convenient campsites along the trail include Panipakha, Lahaksewar, Kyama, Maanedanda, Gumdel, Thodung, Thare, Ngeju, and Lapchane.

Even if none of them offers to lodge, there are a few houses that serve as people's homes and where you can ask for water or a place to remain the night.

Transportation in Ramechhap

Although we cannot ensure that there is a direct bus route from Kathmandu to your final destination, there used to be a daily bus from Kathmandu to Manthali Ramechhap (directly). By bus, it takes 4 hours to get from Kathmandu to Manthali.

Therefore, travel to Kathmandu's Purano Buspark or Koteshwor and board a direct bus to Manthali. You can explore the area from Manthali on foot or in a nearby jeep.

There are also direct flight options between Kathmandu and Manthali.

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